So tonight was Pretty Awesome! Trev, Max, and I decided that we were going to go and have some family time. Much to Trevor dismay, Weber State was closed for the 24th, and he could not go study. But that meant that we were able to spend some time together. Max has been begging me to take him to this little Water Park behind the Athletic Club. There were so many kids there, but he had a blast, and of course it gave Trev a chance to pull out the Camera.
Then we decided that we would go to Wingers. Max has a tendency to be loud and VERY energetic at Restaurants....actually everywhere. We thought it was perfect, not to expensive, not to crowded, and not to Diner-ey! I have learned very quickly that older people like diners, however I have also learned that Max roaring at the top of his lungs is not a BIG crowed-pleaser with the diner crowed. It was a blast.
oh my gosh....what a fun day!!! I bet he had a blast with you two!! That boy really is an outside kid for sure!!! Grandma Lu loves her 3 year old Max!!
I love the picture of him wrapped in the towel. I just want to kiss his cheeks.
Who taught him to roar?
Oh, right.....
Don't feel bad, I taught Jade too.
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