Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Coraline Vrs. Smith and Edwards.

Yesterday we had such a fun Family day. Trev didn't have school, so we decided that Trev, Max and I along with some good Friends would go see Coraline. A few years back Trev and I were able to to go see the Author, Neil Gaiman speak. During his speach he read a Passage from Coraline. We loved it, so as soon as we heard that it would be a movie, we new we would have to go. Max did quite well, I think at the end there were a few parts that made him nervous, but I think he really like it.

After words we decided that we would drive to Trevor and now I think Max's favorite toy store, Smith and Edwards. They have some pretty snazy toys there for the little boys, I was very impressed. Afterwords Max told me that he was so excited to go back. I think he liked it better then the movie.
Thanks Dan and Sharann for the fun day, and again for the movie.


Schroeder's in a NUT SHELL! said...

Oh my gosh...you actually took Max to Coraline? That looks like such a disturbing show....did he get scared at all? I'm not surprised he liked Smith and Edwards..who doesn't? That's a cute picture of him!!

The Reimers Family said...

I'm not sure I know what Smith and Edwards is, I'll have to look it up. It's always nice to be able to get out and spend time together as a family! I'm glad you guys were able to do that.