Monday, July 14, 2008

Conversations with Children

This Sunday, I spent the majority of church passing out toys to the two toddlers, my son Max, and his cousin Julian. At one point, I discovered that our plush Cthulhu doll had made its way into the church bag. I discovered this when Julian asked me what it is.

JULIAN: Is this a butterfly?

TREVOR: No that's Cthulhu.

JULIAN: Oh. But what is it?

TREVOR: Cthulhu is one of the ancient ones--an unimaginable horror.

JULIAN: Yeah! ... and it's a butterfly?

TREVOR: Yes, it's a butterfly.

JULIAN: Make him fly!

There is no point in attempting to combat toddler logic. Here's a conversation I had with Max this morning (I was commenting on the ninja mask he made out of sliced muenster):

TREVOR: You are funny!

MAX: Yes, I am.

TREVOR: Yes you are!

MAX: Yes, I are.

TREVOR: No. "I am."

MAX: No! I am!

Poor Max. He must be so confused. Why do grown-ups have to contradict themselves so much?


Tara said...

I love kid logic. So this has absolutely nothing to do with your post, but I don't have your email, and I figured you checked your blog fairly often. Thank you so much for the care package, it meant so much. Josh has been feeling much better as of this morning. We loved the giant otter pops, and of course everyone's favorite cereal, although Josh won't be able to have any for another few weeks. Don't worry though, we won't eat his treat before he can. You guys are so thoughtful and sweet, we miss and love you. I'm so glad to have your fun blogs to read, it makes me feel like I'm not missing so much, you know? Thanks again, Tara

starspunkle said...

The Cthulhu I got for you was in church?

You know, it does resemble a pokemon!

"I choose you, Cthulhu!"


Anyone feel a flash cartoon coming on?

(Also did I ever tell you that I wanted to rename the work newsletter "The Moogcomicron"?)